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FREE Unblock My Money Challenge
Welcome to the Free Mini-Course
Your Pre-Work Assignment! Getting Started...
Register for the Masterclass: "23 Spiritpreneur Money Blocks"
Day 1 - Your Money Autobiography
Day 1 ! Facebook Livestream Replay [VIDEO]
Day 1 Worksheet [PDF Download]
How to Do a Sacred Money Autobiography [AUDIO]
Yay -- getting started!
Day 2 - Write a "Dear Money" Letter
Day 2 Assignment
Day 2! Facebook Livestream Replay [VIDEO]
Day 2: How to Write Your Letter to Money [AUDIO]
Day 3 - "Feng Shui Your Wallet"
Day 3 Assignment
Day 3 - How to Feng Shui Your Wallet [AUDIO]
Day 3 - Facebook Livestream Replay [VIDEO]
Day 4 - Turn Your Money Fears to Abundance Affirmations
Day 4 - Assignment
Day 4 - Fears to Affirmations Worksheet [Download]
Day 4 - Money Mantras & Abundance Affirmations Assignment (AUDIO
Day 4 - Facebook Livestream Replay [Video]
Day 5 - Give It Forward
Day 5 - Give It Forward Assignment
Day 5 - Give It Forward Instructions [Audio]
Day 5 - Facebook Livestream Replay (Video)
Day 6 - Your Abundance Refund Check
Your Printable Abundance Check
How to Use the Abundance Refund Check (Audio)
Day 6! Facebook Livestream Replay [VIDEO]
Day 7 - Abundance Meditation
Day 7 - Facebook Livestream Replay (Video)
Day 8 - Manifesting Proof
Day 8 - Assignment
Day 8 - Instructions (Audio)
Day 8 - Worksheet [Download]
Day 9 Masterclass: 23 Spiritpreneur Money Blocks - How to Join
How to Join the Masterclass
Special Abundance Message for You (Video)
Let's Get It Started!
Secrets of a Wounded Healer & Starving Artist! Healing Money Issues [Video]
How to SPEAK Money into Your Life! Abundance & Money Blocks [Video]
Open to Receiving Love and Abundance? Manifesting Your Desires [Video]
Next Steps...
Free Masterclass - 23 Spiritpreneur Money Blocks
Money Mindset Reset Camp
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Money Mindset Reset Camp
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