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Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle Virtual Retreat & Festival Connection Kit
Welcome to the Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle Deck
About This Kit
Powerful Ancestral Affirmations
LIVE Video Session Replays
Day 1 with Abiola: About Secrets of the Ancestors (31:39)
Day 1: Krystal Banner on Deck Spreads -- a Chakra Reading (28:22)
Day 2: Ancestor Altars Intro (18:08)
Day 2: Sandra Anne Taylor on Quantum Success (29:21)
Day 3: Making An Ancestral Altar & Dealing with Grief (62:42)
Day 4: Dr. Giavanni Washington on Goddesses and Ancestors (22:52)
Day 4: Spring Washam on Channeling Harriet Tubman (27:32)
Day 5: Aligning with Your Deck (30:03)
Day 5: Rebecca Campbell on the Great Mother (20:09)
Day 6: Deck Release Party (32:07)
Day 6: Destiney Powell on Drawing the Deck (26:03)
Day 7: Blessing and Activating the Deck (30:03)
Day 7: Ayeda Husain and The Ancestral Wisdom of Sufism (28:36)
Day 8: Is This Deck Triggering? (36:08)
Day 9: Radleigh Valentine and Tarot, Angels and Animal Spirits (33:44)
Day 9: Karen Kay Fairy and Ancestor Work with the Fairy Queen (41:05)
Day 10: Lorraine Anderson and Grief, Grieving Body and Ritual Oil (18:04)
Day 11: Yasmin Boland And Manifesting with the Moon (27:24)
Day 11: Yamile Yemoonyah and Abiola And The 7 Kinds of Spirit Guides (25:26)
About Your Ancestors
About Our Ancestors
How Ancestors Communicate
What If I Don’t Know My Blood Family or Ancestors
What About Reincarnation?
What If My Ancestors Were Terrible People?
What if My DNA Results Differ From Family Lore?
How to Honor My Ancestors
To Go Deeper
Coming Soon
Guided Meditation Audio Track
Secrets of the Ancestors Workbook
Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle Deck
Blessing Your New "Secrets of the Ancestors" Oracle Card Deck
Suggested Secrets of the Ancestors Oracle Spreads:
The Sankofa Spread: Go Back & Get It (1 Card)
Ancestral Wisdom Spread: Help Me, Please (3 Cards)
Generational Wealth Spread: Blessings and Blocks (5 Cards)
The Cornrow Spread: Inner Child Healing (9 Cards)
The Family Karma Tree Spread: Elders & Ancestors (15 Cards)
Understanding the Suits and More
SCRIPT: Ancestral Wisdom Meditation Journey
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Powerful Ancestral Affirmations
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