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1) VIDEO: Your Program Orientation (42:05)
2) VIDEO: Awakening the Goddess Within (2:08:54)
3) VIDEO: Your Personal Desires (1:04:59)
4) VIDEO: Magical Element: Cinnamon: Abundance Accelerant (8:37)
5) GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Mawu: Goddess of Cosmic Power
6) QUIZ: What is Your Guiding Goddess Energy?
7) RITUAL: What Are You Tolerating?
8) RITUAL: Write Your Goddess Vision Statement
9) RITUAL: Your Goddess Soulbook
10) JOURNAL: What was the MOON PHASE when you were born?
11) SPREAD: Goddess Unblocked Spread (7 Cards)
MODULE ONE: Inner Temple of Ancestors (Root Chakra): Videos & Audios
1) VIDEO: Temple of Ancestors (1:02:37)
2) VIDEO: Ancestral Libations and Praise Prayer
3) VIDEO: Divine Feminine Resurrection with Goddess Queen Jameelah Assata
4) AUDIO: Mbuya Nehanda's Meditation: Radical Rebirth (11:15)
MODULE ONE: Inner Temple of Ancestors (Root Chakra): Rituals and Resources
5) GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Sara la Kali: Goddess of Divine Lineage
6) SHADOW GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Jumbie: Shadow Goddess of Masks
7) LESSON: What is an Altar?
8) RITUAL: Create an Ancestral Altar
9) SPREAD: Talking Drum Ancestral Oracle Card Reading Spread (6 Cards)
10) WORKSHEET: Temple of Ancestors Wrap-up
MODULE TWO: Inner Temple of Conjurers (Sacral Chakra): Videos & Audios
1) VIDEO: Temple of Conjurers Meditation for Creative Power (6:47)
2) VIDEO: Healing the Mother Wound with Leora Edut, Part 1 (1:13:28)
3) VIDEO: Healing the Mother Wound with Leora Edut, Part 2 (1:04:10)
4) VIDEO: The Egg Energy Cleansing Ritual - DEMO (11:13)
5) AUDIO: Modjadji's Meditation: Manifestation (13:26)
MODULE TWO: Inner Temple of Conjurers (Sacral Chakra): Rituals & Resources
6) GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Modjadji: Goddess of Manifestation
7) SHADOW GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Soucouyant: Shadow Goddess of Scarcity
8) RITUAL: Create a Goddess Altar
9) RITUAL: Create a Goddess Womb Bowl
10) LESSON: Moon Phases and Manifestations (Printable)
11) JOURNAL: Mother Wound Follow Up Journal Questions
MODULE TWO: Temple of Conjurers Deep Dive Masterclass: Goddess Manifesting
12) VIDEO: Unlock and Manifest Your Abundance (4 Hours)
13) AUDIO: "Money Is Coming to Me" Affirmation Song Loop with Eddie Watkins, Jr. (1:09:34)
14) WORKSHEET: Temple of Conjurers Wrap-up
MODULE THREE : Inner Temple of Warriors (Solar Plexus Chakra) Videos & Audios
1) VIDEO : Inner Confidence + Womb Blessing (53:11)
2) AUDIO: Sekhmet's Meditation: Wounded Healer (14:03)
3) VIDEO: Courage to Own Your Priestess Power - Reiki Activation with Damali Abrams (24:08)
MODULE THREE : Inner Temple of Warriors (Solar Plexus Chakra): Rituals & Resources
4) GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Sekhmet: Goddess of Wounded Healers
5) SHADOW GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Gang Gang Sara: Shadow Goddess of Resistance
6) PRAYER TEXT: Womb Blessing
7) SPREAD: Àṣẹ One Card Reading
8) WORKSHEET: Temple of Warriors Wrap-up
MODULE FOUR: Inner Temple of Shadows PLUS the New Moon Videos and Audios
1) AUDIO: About the Temple of Shadows (23:16)
2) VIDEO: Shadow Work Circle (New Moon) (1:11:43)
3) VIDEO: Bellydancing and Integrating the Shadow Self with Goddess Sanaa Green, Part 1 (1:01:56)
MODULE FOUR: Inner Temple of Shadows PLUS the New Moon Rituals & Resources
4) GODDESSES OF THE WEEK: The Shadow Goddesses
5) RITUAL: Manifestation: Water Whisperer (Includes Bath)
6) RITUAL: New Moon Altar [Video & Photos]
7) SPREAD: New Moon Oracle Card Reading
8) RITUAL: Goddess Shadow and Superhero You
9) JOURNAL: Temple of Shadows Journal Assignments
10) WORKSHEET: Shadow Shifting
11) WORKSHEET: Temple of Shadows Wrap-up
MODULE FIVE: Inner Temple of Lovers (Heart Chakra): Videos and Audios
1) VIDEO: Oshun Altar & Love Rituals (59:08)
2) AUDIO: Oshun's Meditation: Fearless Love (16:10)
3) VIDEO: Yemaya's Grief Healing Breathwork with Kathleen Booker (55:13)
4) AUDIO: Erzulie Dantor: Cutting Harmful Relationship Cords (28:19)
5) AUDIO: Heart-Healing Forgiveness Prayer and Process (13:38)
6) VIDEO: Prayers to Oshun: Pray & Sway to the Flowing Rhythms with Goddess Rev Mignon Grayson (15:15)
MODULE FIVE: Inner Temple of Lovers (Heart Chakra) Rituals and Resources
7) GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Oshun: Goddess of Fearless Love
8) SHADOW GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Aunt Nancy: Shadow Goddess of Betrayal
9) SPREAD: Oshun's Love Goddess Manifesting Spread (8 Cards)
10) WORKSHEET: Temple Of Lovers Wrap-up
MODULE SIX: Inner Temple of Griots (Throat Chakra) Videos & Audios
1) VIDEO: Mami Wata Altar and Awakening Your Voice (1:01:03)
2) AUDIO: Goddess Yasigi's Meditation: Live Out Loud (10:31)
3) VIDEO: Voice, Pleasure, Sex Magick with Goddess Tia Johnson (1:06:11)
MODULE SIX: Inner Temple of Griots (Throat Chakra) Rituals & Resources
4) GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Mami Wata: Goddess of Emotional Nakedness
5) SHADOW GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Long Bubby Suzi: Shadow Goddess of Shame
6) RITUAL: Create a Self-Praise Poem
7) PRAYER TEXT: The Hymn of Isis (Praise Poem for Iset)
8) PRAYER TEXT: Oshun's Oriki (Praise Poem)
9) RITUAL: Hydromancy - "Water Gazing in the Hidden Lake" Ritual& Journal Questions
10) RITUAL: All About Ancestor Plates with Goddess Damali Abrams (2:47)
WORKSHEET: Temple of Griots Wrap-up
MODULE SEVEN: Inner Temple of Queens (Third Eye Chakra): Videos and Audios
1) GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Nefertiti: Goddess of Alchemy
2) AUDIO: About Your Inner Temple of Queens: Your Third Eye & Insight Energy Channel (35:13)
3) VIDEO: Inner Temple of Queens: Your Third Eye Activation (1:01:11)
4) AUDIO: Queen Mother Nanny's Meditation: Liberation (8:56)
5) VIDEO: Meditation to Communicate with Your Guides (22:00)
6) VIDEO: Spirit Communication with Karen Kay Fairy (1:03:52)
MODULE SEVEN: Inner Temple of Queens (Third Eye Chakra): Rituals and Resources
7) WORKSHEET: Communicating with Your Spirit Guides
8) WORKSHEET: Your Psychic Abilities
9) RITUAL: Candle Magic Colors
10) RITUAL: Aromatherapy Magic Cheat Sheet
11) WORKSHEET: Temple of Queens Wrap-up
MODULE EIGHT: Inner Temple of High Priestesses (Crown Chakra)
1) GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Iset: Goddess of Spiritual Surrender
2) VIDEO: Owning Your Oracle Power with Goddess Gangsta Gary (1:00:12)
3) AUDIO: iNkosazana's Meditation on Celestial Alignment (15:11)
4) VIDEO: Quantum Journeys on the Astral Plane (59:40)
5) VIDEO: Root to Crown Chakra Activation with Goddess Sanaa Green (1:02:41)
6) SPREAD: Council of Elders Oracle Card Reading Spread (5 Cards)
7) VIDEO: Moving Forward
Meditations, Visualizations, Activations (Healing Modalities)
About this Section
1) AUDIO - Mbuya Nehanda's Meditation: Radical Rebirth (11:15)
2) AUDIO - Modjadji's Meditation: Manifestation (13:26)
3) AUDIO - Sekhmet's Meditation: Wounded Healer (14:03)
4) VIDEO: Temple of Conjurers Meditation for Creative Power (6:47)
5) AUDIO: Goddess Yasigi's Meditation: Live Out Loud (10:31)
6) AUDIO: Queen Mother Nanny's Meditation: Liberation (8:56)
7) VIDEO: Meditation to Communicate with Your Guides (22:00)
8) AUDIO: iNkosazana's Meditation on Celestial Alignment (15:11)
Medicine Bag and Sacred Tools (Resource Section)
About this Section
1) How to Prepare Your Ritual Space
2) What is an Altar?
3) VIDEO: Full Moon Altar (2:06)
4) How to Bless Your Oracle Cards
5) VIDEO: Cinnamon: Abundance Accelerant (8:37)
6) What to Bring to a Goddess Circle
7) What is the Crossroads?
8) What is Sacred Water?
9) The 4 Elements
10) PRAYER TEXT: Womb Blessing
11) How to Cleanse the Deck (Graphic)
FULL MOON WEEK: Use This Section When There is a Full Moon
1) VIDEO: The Power of the Full Moon (1:00:12)
2) VIDEO: Full Moon Circle Ceremony (1:25:58)
3) VIDEO: Full Moon Altar (2:06)
4) SPREAD: Full Moon Oracle Card Reading Spread (3 Cards)
NEW MOON WEEK: Use This Section When There is a New Moon
1) VIDEO: New Moon Shadow Work Circle (1:11:43)
2) RITUAL: New Moon Altar [Video & Photos]
3) RITUAL: New Moon Check
4) SPREAD: New Moon Oracle Card Reading
Guest Goddess Gurus
About this Section
1) VIDEO: Divine Feminine Resurrection with Goddess Queen Jameelah Assata
2) VIDEO: Healing the Mother Wound with Leora Edut, Part 1
4) VIDEO: Courage to Own Your Priestess Power - Reiki Activation with Damali Abrams
5) VIDEO: Bellydancing and Integrating the Shadow Self with Goddess Sanaa Green, Part 1 (1:01:56)
3) VIDEO: Healing the Mother Wound with Leora Edut, Part 2 (1:04:10)
6) VIDEO: Yemaya's Grief Healing Breathwork with Kathleen Booker (55:13)
7) VIDEO: Prayers to Oshun: Pray & Sway to the Flowing Rhythms with Goddess Rev Mignon Grayson (15:15)
8) VIDEO: Voice, Pleasure, Sex Magick with Goddess Tia Johnson (1:06:11)
9) RITUAL: All About Ancestor Plates with Goddess Damali Abrams (2:47)
10) VIDEO: Spirit Communication with Karen Kay Fairy (1:03:52)
11) VIDEO: Owning Your Oracle Power with Goddess Gangsta Gary (1:00:12)
12) VIDEO: Root to Crown Chakra Activation with Goddess Sanaa Green (1:02:41)
Goddess Oracle Card Reading Spreads
About this Section
1) How to Bless Your Oracle Cards
2) Àṣẹ One Card Reading (1 Card)
3) Goddess Unblocked Spread (7 Cards)
4) Talking Drum Ancestral Oracle Card Reading Spread (6 Cards)
5) Full Moon Oracle Card Reading Spread (3 Cards)
6) New Moon Oracle Card Reading Spread (6 Cards)
7) Oshun's Love Goddess Manifesting Spread (8 Cards)
8) Full Moon Goddess Spread: Two Cards (graphic)
9) Goddess Temple Spread: Three Card Reading (Graphic)
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5) SHADOW GODDESS OF THE WEEK: Gang Gang Sara: Shadow Goddess of Resistance
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